Saturday, October 24, 2009

Music in Japan

Even though Japan is on the other side of the world, the U.S. is more similiar in music to Japan than many other countries. Japanese teenage music is fast with a lot of techno. Also, depending on the artist, their music sounds just like ours, just in a different language. Many Japanese artists get their inspiration from the Rappers we listen to everyday. So Japanese teens aren't that much different from us after all. Most Japanese rappers have the same style and swagg as some of our rappers. It is believed that Japanese performers get paid much more than U.S. rappers. If Japanese and U.S. music is similiar, then why is it that the two countries differ? Also, do you think that their music influences them the same way that our music influences us?


  1. The countries are so different because the culture is different. our music might sound alike but they could be talking about way diffeent thing. music doesnt always bring ppl or countries together

  2. The reason that japans music is so like ours is because after WWII we occupied them for so long that we became some what of an idol. Japan’s as a whole is a cluster of the best ideas from all over the world. Their music is alike ours as you say but it is also different. In America the average rock band has a lead guitarist, a base, a singer, and a drummer. But in Japan the average rock band also has a keyboard. They incorporate technology allot into their songs. There is even an extremely popular singer that doesn’t even exist, Hatsune Miku. Its is a computer program that sings(Vocaloid).

    Their music may be similar but they have taken it to a different level with technology.

  3. Japanese music and ours are the same except they use differtent rhyme.They use different technology to make their songs similar to ours.

  4. ♥ I Really Like This Article Because iThink We Can Benifit Frm This. Our Music Over Here iThink Really Inspires Them Over There So They Try To Do Some Of The Style In There's. They Knw What We Sing And Rap They're Really Inspiring To Some Of Our Musicians That Make Millions Of Bucks A Day. This Stuff Is Good And iM Really Digging The Video !

  5. i think our music influences them becase japan and the us are similar in so many it wouldn't be surprising for there music to be similar..

  6. I think that their style of music is very similar to ours. Their beats, choreography, style, clothing, video mix-cuts and their whole vibe is just like ours. I also think that since Japan is a more strict country than the United states, that their Music may not influence them the same way that our Music influences us. some of our Music may talk about killing or about selling drugs and you have some people that actually go and sell, sadly. But I think that over in Japan that that may not happen as much as it does here.

  7. O wow. I have heard techno but I never really heard Japanese music. I think that is so interesting and I really wish I knew what they were saying lol. I do believe that their music influences them differently from the way ours does. I think their influence is more positive. Just from the video it seems to be less sexual than ours. Also I can see how our music influences theirs. Their videos seem to be an amateur version of ours. So though they may have developed more technology wise I think we are slightly more creative and advance in the uses of the technology we have. I think the explanations of the differences of our countries are that we are on opposite sides of the world under different climates and different influences which is why despite the similarities in our music our countries differ.

  8. I think that our music is different from Japan's music because Japan's music might actually be sayin something important. Don't get me wrong there is good music in the United States, but if we really think about it how much of our music is well....pointless???

  9. I love this post! How creative is learning about another culture's hip-hop culture. Great topic. I am amazed that Japan's music scene is similar to ours. Also, this goes to my human argument that people are more alike than different. Wow! Great post!

    Mrs. Gerbino (formerly Pritchard)

  10. I think that music from Japan is cool. I think if we incorporated it in our music it would make is more diverse.Wheather you see it as us them influencing us or us influencing them its a great way to make us aware of others cultures by writing about blogs like this.
